The application includes a questionnaire for the evaluation of knowledge about Data Structures in C / C ++.
Additionally, exercises are proposed on each topic for the student to develop and practice the language.
Each menu option includes documentation that covers the topics of that option and the questionnaires are designed as a way to review the concepts studied.
The latest version includes a module, which allows the student
Write the reason why you chose an answer for any question.
Once you have finished answering the questionnaire, the system allows you to see if the answers you chose were correct.
The program contains questionnaires where you can answer more than 120 questions on the following topics:
Simple Lists, Circular Lists, Double-chained Circular Lists, Binary Trees, Stacks, Aeneary Trees, Polish Notation, Removing a node from a Binary Tree, AVL Trees, B-trees.
Note: If the reader is interested in entering and removing keys, one by one, in the Tree structure (AVL, Rojinegros, Binaries) and then drawing it to study how it changes, they can do so in the recently published Binary Trees application.